2nd Annual Hospitality Seminar

2nd Annual Hospitality Seminar

The Principal of the College Mr Francis Mahlangu opening the 2nd annual hospitality seminar for exiting level 4 under the theme “THE JOURNEY AFTER L4 TO THE NEW...
Information Sharing Expo

Information Sharing Expo

We call upon all unemployed youth in Phomolong near Henneman to join the department of employment and labour along with other stakeholders for an information sharing expo currently underway at the community hall. Don’t miss this opportunity young...
Welkom Campus 2021 Induction Week

Welkom Campus 2021 Induction Week

“The team of Marketing Students that helped facilitate the Welkom Campus 2021 induction week successfully, their Work Integrated Learning (WIL) has begun. Well done to future...


Both Tosa and Welkom campuses had the luxury to experience the #NOEXCUSE GBV dialogue under the theme ‘raising a generation of champions that take action’. The intention of the event is to open/create a safe space where young men and women can explore, understand and...